3 definitions by i fucked karma akabane...

jezomoine and ms leanore nell's wife. 3sum tingz doe🥰. also known as swegator
person 1: did u know leanore jezomoine and sweggy are getting married at the station?
person 2: lowk ship it doe...
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shes eco friendly! 🌱🌳
shes dating sweggy and leanore🌻✨🧚
shes jezomoine ! 🥳
person 1: omg jezzy eco-friendly moo is hot i wonder if shes single....
person 2: nahh shes dating leanorenell and swegator
sweggy n leanore : 👁️👄👁️
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shes cool ! 😎
shes snazzy ! 😋✨😘
shes dating sweggy and jezomoine! 😝😗🤧
shes miss leanore nell ! 🥳
person 1: its ms leanore nell ! plz notice me
person 2: u neednt have a chance... shes already in a threesome
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