1 definition by hugp

A word describing somebody who gives off the impression that their actions are motivated by philanthropy, when in fact this perceived philanthropy is just a by-product of their actions which are motivated by personal objectives. The illusion of philanthropy is often pivotal in achieving these goals, such as the benefit it provides when applying for a job. These acts of fake philanthropy are merely a utensil to fulfil their internal agenda. The classic example being the case of voluntourism, where young people from middle class backgrounds volunteer in poverty-stricken areas, just so that they can put it on their CV (resume) or have a holiday; as opposed to any innate desire to help other people/contribute to charity.
Fauxlanphropist "Please donate so that I can teach English for a week in Zambia"
Person A "Good on you. That's going to look good on the CV"
Fauxlanthropist "Oh yah I know, but it's all about the kids really... it's amazing how much difference I can make to their lives in one week!"
Person B to Person A "I don't buy that spiel, he's such a fauxlanthropist"
by hugp June 30, 2014
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