2 definitions by herb pluribus unam

The anatomical morphology of the marflar (see urban dictionary) is called the squingile as their upper appendages resemble the trunk of the pacyderma. Squingile (sq-uin-gee-lee) are well adept at forplanning by misinforming others of falsified truths in the interest of maintaining positions of power that insure domestic tranquility and public faith in the system.
The squingile trumped most of the presidential contenders with the poise of a lion and the grace of an angel knowing well that he'd set a trap years in advance making the rest, sauce for the goose.
by herb pluribus unam May 15, 2016
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One is considered exitstential when at some point in time they discover there is no formally declarative time as it's been displaced. Out of time is a similar reference to being exitstential with a minor difference, that being the realization that something has gone shitbag wrong. Usually, those with a slippery grip on "reality" suffer from exitstential struggles. Symptom's include constant thoughts of death, dieing and pain (see Thanos). Basically, it's due to severe life or N.D.E.'s. ">
The sweaty middle aged man from the Alleghenies discovered he had a severe exitstential problem when the sun he once new was invisible in a dream he had the night before.
by herb pluribus unam May 23, 2016
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