3 definitions by hawkeye

A male yid that prior to coming opts for the ear canal in lieu of more traditional body cavities.
So let me get this straight, you fucked her in the ear? Joey, you are an ear fucker!
by hawkeye November 8, 2005
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1. A regular person (or hobo) who fraternizes in a manner of sexual varity, with a (another) hobo
"Ren sad sweet hobosexual secks with teh HomoGoat"
"Ren" and "HomoGoat" are both hobos, and are therefore acting in a hobosexual manner.
by hawkeye July 26, 2003
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1) adj. Fond Memories. 2) adj. Happy Moments spent past / present.
HawkEye: Remeber when we tipped the porta-pottie with ryan in it?
Scott: AAhhh yes, Sunny times my friend
Ryan: Na, that was messed up. i'm still pickin' crap outta my ears.
HawkEye: LMAO!
Scott: HAHAHA - Sunny Times
by hawkeye November 6, 2003
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