2 definitions by gnome is better

A passive-aggressive term used to end dumb arguments you do not want to talk with anymore.
It is often used to stop making any new fights or statements, and ending the conversation so both parties can move on with the rest of their lives.
A: "Like I said, Sydney is a better city to live in than Melbourne!"
B: "Whatever makes you happy man."
by gnome is better October 20, 2023
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A person who has "fallen" from the real world, spending a long time on things that are not good and/or useful for their life. Same for "no-lifer".
"Bro, I got all this stuff!"
"It's a video game! How long did you spend on this game?"
"I spend about 500 hours."
"You are just as same as a Fallenor"
by gnome is better June 24, 2022
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