1 definition by glegipon

n. (idea, state of being) To be utterly insulted by the absence of humanity or conviction in those around you who are in position to express it, live it and uphold it.

1) v. to vehemently assert oneself
2) v. to stand up for those who have fallen, even if it means you will fall yourself. also, to fall and pull others into the flame with you.
adj. of, from, or relating to the qualities of vengeance as laid out by Christopher Dorner
n. This place is starting to appeal to my Dorner.
1) v. Fuck this, I'm about to get all Dorner up in this bitch!
2) v. Oh, you're gonna take me down? Let's Dorner this shit together bitches.
adj. Well since i'm falling with the fallen, let's all fall together you Dorner bitches!
by glegipon February 13, 2013
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