1 definition by ginnyjollykidd

1. A stiff but supple wire with a hook or eye that threads lace, string, ribbon, or other long, hard-to-thread material into a narrow tube that fingers can't reach.

2. An animal or even a child that goes into certain places to hide in or act from.
"I couldn't push the ribbon through all those eyelets, so I used my gozinto, and the ribbon slid right through."

"Maru is a famous Internet cat. He's a gozinto because he loves diving into any kind of box you show him."

"My cat loves to be a gozinto when he slides up my jacket sleeve to attack his toys."

"My daughter is a gozinto. She loves to crawl into little hidey-holes and scare people that walk by."
by ginnyjollykidd May 17, 2013
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