3 definitions by genn-z

The most recent era of tiktok scrollers, known for theirs oddly unique challlenges and clickbait titles of cringe.
Person 1: Woah! Is that a Gen-Z I see dancing to Ice Spice?

Person 2: Yeah! He sure has a scrumptious level 10 gyatt!
by genn-z October 10, 2023
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Someone who has never faced daylight or eaten a salad

this species of man has never went out because someone posted a picture in the #general chat
Person 1: Bro this guy is literally a discord mod
Person 2 : I bet he is the same weight as lizzo
by genn-z October 10, 2023
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literally made of cracked material

has an amount of infinite rizz, hooking all the W Gyatts

is an ssbu sweat and mains sora
Person 1: Woah! Adrian has a bunch of W Gyatts!

Person 2: That is such an Adrian!
by genn-z October 10, 2023
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