2 definitions by funnywordsgivemeboners1

An act occurring during oral sex when one partner eats the other partner's asshole out while the partner receiving oral sex drops a deuce (shits) in the ass licker's mouth, usually in a surprising manner.
The one thing bad about my girlfriend is her strange fetish for performing oral sex on my rectum. So to catch her off guard, I gave her a fat Mr. Jones's Sunday Brunch.
by funnywordsgivemeboners1 January 5, 2011
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An act performed while 2, or more, people are having sex, where one person sticks 1, or more finger(s) in and/or around the other's asshole.
Jenny was riding my dick the other night while I reached around to her ass and gave that hoe a Creeping Charlie.
by funnywordsgivemeboners1 January 5, 2011
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