23 definitions by fuckup, screwed, fucked, gawd, shit

An image of a toy duck on wheels, when expecting an electronic computer link to something else. Often found on message boards and blogs frequented by computer fanboys. The precursor to the modern Rick Roll.
Damn! I got a duckroll instead of that video clip of Elvis I was looking for!
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Simply stated, it is Bacardi 151 and Wild Turkey 101. You pour the concoction into the persons mouth whilst they are sitting upside down in a barber chair, then putting a bar towel over their face (reduces spray). You spin them 2x around to the right, then 2x around to the left. Done. If they haven't vomited, either they are hardcore, or you poured them water.
I went to a bar in LaCrosse for OctoberFest in 1981. I had my first Gorilla Fart ever. And my last ever. No Sane person does this. Nor a sober person.
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