3 definitions by fuckoff140

Blue screen

Complete and utter trash that goes against the ways of Shrek
Examples include:
1. Tiktok
2. Roadmen
3. Plum's trim
by fuckoff140 February 12, 2021
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Creator of Planet Green Screen, Detective and owner of a time-space machine. One of the Tax Fraud Ladz. Is unnaturally tall. Is obsessed with Pepsi and cool original doritos.
"Detective Tribesman was found dead on the floor after being forced to drink Coke."
by fuckoff140 February 23, 2021
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Green Screen

The holy land/being/realm/screen/vidton. Green Screen is you. Green Screen is me. Green Screen is me.
Can also be used as a compliment.
"Pepsi is very Green Screen."
by fuckoff140 February 12, 2021
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