3 definitions by forester

The point of drunkenness rarely reached where ALL inhibitions are thrown to the wind. Commonly mistaken for just being very drunk actual Ronkyness is a pure form of unadulterated inebriation where one feels everyone must hear what they have to say and see what they have to do. One remembers for life those nights one was Ronky.
I got Ronky off those three Big Bears last night
by forester March 13, 2006
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Normally called Alex, but she is so sweet and loveable with a cheeky side. She is also impeccable at beer pong… so watch out.
Oh wow she is such a CheekyBabe
by forester November 4, 2021
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An insincere blogger; hollow person; a Gobbledygook; blabber mouth; a person suffering from oral flatulence or oral piles. Also means a person who boasts too much without actually having done nothing while taking all the credit.
1. Sudhir Pande did nothing but took all the credit as he was a big fainku.
2. You do not expect much from a fainku in a team work.
3. Being a fainku, Sudhir took all the time of the group discussion giving others no chance to speak.
4. In a disaster managment workshop, inviting a fainku is a big disaster.
by forester June 17, 2006
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