1 definition by flemiod

By far the most overrated, stale cartoon of all time. Even though some ideas are ripped off from the Simpsons in Family Guy, the Simpsons is basically like a less funny, less interesting version of Family Guy. The Simpon's humor is almost as bleak and uninteresting as the characters and plots are, making relentless attempts at providing something that's funny or even slightly ammusing and then failing miserably in the end.
-It's a shame that Matt Groening has wasted so much time with The Simpsons when he could of phocused more on his cartoon masterpiece, Futurama, a far better cartoon.

-The only reasons people and critics are so obsessed with The Simpsons is because it created the adult cartoon genre, everyone grew up with it, and it paved the future of adult cartoons despite the fact that it's a total piece of crap.

-The Simpsons may have created the genre but shows like Family Guy, South Park, and Futurama perfected the genre of adult cartoons.
by flemiod January 18, 2015
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