18 definitions by fish trap

when a deadname is somehow remembered on some secret medical record or google plus account even after you’ve spent months or years deleting paypals and updating hospital files and burning bridges. and then, like jacob marley, it somehow pops back up as a suggested username on some random tuesday decades later when you’re setting up a new pokemon go account and were least prepared to handle that trauma
my brand new iphone ghostnamed me this morning before i even had coffee, i have no idea where it found that info”

“oh shit, but u haven’t used any other name for the like 20 years i’ve known u... i... didnt even know u were trans tbh??

by fish trap September 27, 2018
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adjective for a trans person who looks like they're cis, whether intentionally or not

usage mostly limited to where trans people are functioning within cis society, where everyone is assumed cis until informed otherwise — a person "passes" for cis until clocked. within trans circles, passing is irrelevant and a rarely used term, because everyone is assumed to be trans.

adopted from an older use of passing, meaning african-americans who move within white society in order to survive. sometimes disambiguated as white-passing and cis-passing. a less appropriative & more accurate term for trans "passing" is masking.
i know passing isn't encouraged anymore bc "trans visibility" or w/e but gawd some days i wish i could just pass at the grocery store and not have to have my guard up 24/7/365
by fish trap July 15, 2018
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a pretty trans girl

originally a transphobic term used by no homo bros and closeted chasers to signal to each other that someone was a trans girl, ie. "sure you want to buy her a drink? she's a trap iykwim." popular among star wars eggs who are masking around cis boy gamers by putting down their own fam.

long considered an untouchable pejorative among trans women bc of its relation to transbashing, the term was slowly reclaimed to be a sassy compliment from one trans girl to another: "shit grrl, you're such a trap." now fully reclaimed by trans women, as with fish, and being used to mean any trans girl regardless of her sexual appeal to straight men. often combined with a pun, ie. "bear trap" for someone who dates bears, or "booby trap" for someone with bounteous tits.
a bunch of traps are going camping this weekend, bring some weiners to grill if you wanna come.
by fish trap July 16, 2018
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a trans girl (trap), who you want to be your trophy wife except you can't afford her 'cause you're a scrub
better clutch your trapper keeper close, there's some loaded chasers at this party
by fish trap July 16, 2018
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