3 definitions by fatboiii1918

Please f*** off

Thanks mate

Put a shrimp on the `barbie mate

(shrimp = prawn for dem aussies mate)

Oh sh** it is a 404

Did ya say shrimp
*American who said shrimp gets bitten by an army of aussie spiders and aussie spiders then runs American over in his bogan ute*
by fatboiii1918 August 12, 2019
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that boi in tech who knows noting, cike he nkows everythig.
oh there's is tahat fat boi, James
by fatboiii1918 August 12, 2019
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A person who hit da lighsabre quicksooops in RBLX
ohh he is da tom
by fatboiii1918 August 12, 2019
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