1 definition by fagwithadrughabit

teigen…. how do i say this. teigen is the most beautiful girl i have ever met in my life. her eyes are the purest; just looking into them makes me want to get lost. she’s super insecure about herself and thinks she’s ugly, when in reality every time i see her it’s like im looking at an angel. she has so many problems with her parents and even though it’s been hard, it’s made her into the most caring abs thoughtful person. she tends to overthink a lot about everything, even though she’s don’t nothing wrong. her hair is so smooth and silky, her eyes are the perfect shade of ocean blue. her skin is softer than silk, her face the resemblance of absolute beauty. teigen is someone who i could look hours at and never find any flaw about her. - a
brodie- “oh my god… who is that girl?”

grace- “oh, that’s teigen. she’s so fucking beautiful, right? i literally could look at her for hours.”

brodie- “she’s so beautiful that sunflowers turn to her because they think she’s their sun.”

grace- “dude… that was like.. for real so poetic.”
by fagwithadrughabit March 13, 2023
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