1 definition by exxposingwhores

A fake ass whore who tells you they like you, and they know you like them, so you are very happy. But they then inform you that they are not over they aren’t ready for a relationship because they aren’t over their last crush (who thinks they are ugly as fuck) and you then ignore them because you are embarrassed. They then proceed to tell you that you are being immature for ignoring them, but you are just staying out of drama. You then make up with them, but less than a week later they fuck you over! You realize that they are being a bitchass hoe to you and one of your close friends. You go with them to inform her that you would prefer to not be friends with her. Her voice cracks on the verge of tears saying she never gave a damn about you guys anyways. You then exit and go on with your day. You later get a notification that they have posted about you and said that they never cared about you. They called your close friend a bitch and said you never cared. You tell them they are being immature. You are blocked. They then send you a paragraph via text message about how sorry they are. You tell them they are annoying and you don’t want to be friends. You are then blocked and go on with your life, forgetting about that whore 👍
*Playing truth or dare*

Friend: “What is the definition of whore to you?”
You: “Aria.”
by exxposingwhores July 1, 2019
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