2 definitions by eubert

Crazy White Boys
An exclusive gang of hoodlums with main base of operations out of St. Louis Missouri, but also satellite positions in Florida, New Orleans, southern California, as well as central Missouri State.
The CWB are made up of select members who go by aliases, The Captain, The Reverend, The Journeyman, The Tone, BBD, A-Sauce, Mode, Batman, The Disciple, as well as other, more obscure lesser active members. The CWB are a combination of intense philosophical intellectuals as well as extremely hardcore partiers.
The CWB operate primarily out of two main “dens” known as “the lair” and “the house of menthol”, they are well known mischief causers, some with long arrest records, who engage in acts of vandalism, and reckless disregard for the lives of themselves as well as the lives of others.

An editorial note: I would suggest trying to avoid the CWB all costs.
"I rolled with the CWB tonight, it was fucking wild."
by eubert October 25, 2004
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The Wisemen
Subsect of the St. Louis based C.W.B gang. The primary members of this facet are “C-Note”, “The Reverend”, “The Captain”, “BBD”, “The Journeyman”, “A-Sauce”, and, occasionally “Silent-G”, “J-Shizz”, and “The Tone”. This sect, in contrast to “The Lair Boys” is strangely, focused more on philosophical introspection, Buddhist enlightenment, and exploring the self and the interpersonal relationship.
In contrast to their counterparts, as well as counter PRESENCE “The Lair Boys”, “The Wisemen” mostly bask in the calm atmosphere as opposed to the party one. They are all rumored to be gifted lovers which makes sense as they supposedly spend most of their time discussing the intricacies of sex.
Although they are still members of the CWB and hence, an exclusive organization, this sect is the more hospitable one, and if you come to their meetings with an open mind, a fresh pack of cigarettes and a suit and tie, chances are you will not be met with hostility
I chilled with the wisemen tonight, i'm feelin zen and enlightened, now lets go get drunk and find some hoes
by eubert October 26, 2004
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