1 definition by erykahzahra

Jonila means "Gift of God" in the ancient albanian language and is an over 3000 years old name. She is fierce, stubborn and succedes in everything she touches. Everytime she enters a room she fills it with her big energy. That's why many people hate her: she's a powefull, beautiful and intelligent goddess and many people envy her. Only a few people can handle her big balls attitude. That's why she attracts many. She only has a few real friends tho because she likes to keep her circle small.
She has built many walls around her and only a few people can reach her soft and vulnerable core. So if you know a Jonila and you've ever seen her vulnerable side: feel blessed because you were chosen by the goddess herself.
Jonilas are very rare to find. She's the Beyonce in her friendsgroup.
Person: What's a Jonila?
Other Person: You will feel blessed if you know one, because then you've been chosen by the goddess herself!
by erykahzahra November 21, 2021
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