4 definitions by equine_attraction_00

minor British sidekick on the Krusty the Clown TV series; infamous for the large bone(species unidentified)caught through his hair(which happens to resemble that of Marge Simpson, only more of a sea green and much shorter, supposedly stuck there due to a gum chewing incident) and for his common loud outbursts
"My opinion is as valid as the next man's!"
by equine_attraction_00 June 27, 2004
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legenday fictional nerd, modeled after Jerry Lewis, best known for his frequent outbursts of nonsensical jabbering.
"Oh dear, I've re-dorkulated!"
"What gave me away...just out of curiosity...was it the hoyven or the mayven...what?"
by equine_attraction_00 June 29, 2004
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the TV mom whose hair is large.
"when you get a penny from a chum
don't just buy some bubble gum
put it in your cap! put it in your cap!
if you see a nickel in the snow
don't just blow it on a picture show
put it in your cap! put it in your cap!
if u spy a quarter in a pie...
by equine_attraction_00 June 27, 2004
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