1 definition by entechUS_

An instruction to another person, usually after casually mentioning an idea or notion to Stephen, or in some cases requesting Stephen's opinion or thought on a specific matter. Stephen is not always aware that the person requesting his opinion will immediately quote it to another person.

A multi-faceted definition, "Per Stephen" can either be used in the form of a request or a statement. The person using this phrase usually does not want to do something, so they use Stephen's words as the excuse or reasoning behind why they should no longer be assigned to a task. For request format, "Per Stephen" usually involves an extraordinary purchase or in some cases, food or electronics purchases.
"Per Stephen, please no longer assign me to tickets that require me to get up from my desk."

"Per Stephen, we should all receive Teslas for Christmas."

"Per Stephen, we should no longer charge clients for service. Instead, we'll be accepting IOUs for all services rendered."

"Per Stephen, we'll be ordering 80 Filet Mignons for this week's BBQ."

"Per Stephen, please order me a new chair, laptop, keyboard, dresser, 82 inch monitor, car, mousepad, Keurig and toilet paper for the office and my home."
by entechUS_ October 1, 2020
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