1 definition by emilylovescanucks

Excessive love. Stronger and deeper, phourda is a term used when you love someone more than you ever thought possible. Even when things are hard, when you're apart, when you fight, whatever, you always love the person unconditionally, for who they are. Even when he rejects your favorite hockey team. Even when she gives you a mix CD for your birthday. It's when you're dating a girl who is totally below you in every way, by some miracle, you still love her. Actually, you phourda her. That's about as deep as it gets, bro. Legendary love. Marshall and Lily love. The kind of love that merits stealing a blue French horn for someone. The kind of love where you know she will never, ever, ever let you believe that Harrison Ford has nicer toes than you do. Because she thinks your perfect. She phourdas you.
Cute blonde guy: I love you so much.
Frizzy brunette girl: I love you too.
Cute blonde guy: Love isn't even a good enough word to describe how I feel about you. I phourda you.
Frizzy brunette girl: *swoon* How did I ever get this lucky?
by emilylovescanucks August 7, 2012
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