1 definition by dummybomb

Farmingdale is a poor, dirty, trashy town north of Massapequa. It is considered the white trash capital of Nassau county and is full of crime and losers. The average IQ of a Daler is 80. The stores are in shambles, half the residents are below the poverty line, the houses are dirty, streets filled with garbage, constant crime and vandalism.

Farmingdale is the prostitute capital of the Long Island. They don't even realize that there are at least 90 hookers from Flushing working in "storefront massage parlors"; but are actually full-service prostitutes. How blind can this village be? If they closed down all the hoar houses, Farmingdale would look like a ghost town as half the businesses would be shut down.

The residents have an inferiority complex and desperately want to be like their greater southern neighbor, Massapequa.

Look at the entries for Fdale on urbandictionary. Completely obsessed with Pequa!! It's actually quite flattering to Massapequa that they have such a huge admirer in the lowly Fdale. Massapequa constantly owns Fdale in every single sport there is, the houses, people and location are superior to the "dirty" Dale.
You will never be like Massapequa, give it up Farmingdale.

Even if you had the money, money can't buy class Farmingdale.

Crazy Donkey in Farmingdale = trashiest spot on LI

Let's go to Farmingdale and catch a happy ending, 95 "massage parlors" to choose from
by dummybomb January 14, 2011
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