1 definition by ducie
A hip-hop dj from houston texas active threw the 90s known for his imfumas techneque of slowing the tracks of local rappers to 33 1/3 to recreat the effects of drinking codine-promethazine cough syrp known as lean or sysurp the pruferd drug of the houston hip-hop scene screw was known as the king of htown giving the city the name screwston after his death on november 16 2000 of what most people think a codine overdose but really it was a mix of his love for music keeping him from rest for years and a result of his overall drug use alot of people think he was a drug addict with no morels but he was really an artest and a good person he will always be in the hearts of his friends and fans.
by ducie December 15, 2008