2 definitions by drinkmouthwash

The worst website in history. Simply an example of kids, scammers, dumbasses, and overall a shitty, boring game all in all. Most NitroType players bot using Pr Rai to avoid having to smell like stank from racing all day.
Vielle: duuuude I just typed 210 on nitro type (posts in ZL server)
Legitimately everyone: We don’t give a fuck

inb4 anshu and vielle flex hang fifteen vehicle on nitrotype.com
by drinkmouthwash January 27, 2023
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Mostly a car on NitroType.com that children worship. Most people with this car obtained it by password guessing an account with it.
Person 1: Dude! I just saw a hang fifteen in a race!

Person 2: Probably a pass guessed account.
by drinkmouthwash February 2, 2023
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