24 definitions by do I have to put something here?

For one thing to be excessively superior to something else, usually used to compare two similar things like computer games or bands of the same genre.
Dream Theater pisses on Symphony X.

Total Annihilation pisses on Red Alert.
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"You're really mean with money. You're a tremendous physical coward. You once spent an afternoon on the Samaritans switchboard and four people commited suicide. Your middle name is Judas but you tell everyone that it's Jonathan. you sign all your official letters 'Arnold Rimmer BSc' and the BSc stands for 'Bronze Swimming Certificate'. You're a cheating, weasley, low-life scumbucket with all the charm and social grace of a pubic louse."

Dave Lister on Arnold Rimmer
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Fucking sick 80's Heavy Metal band that's still making music now. Most of the crap we have today is shit in comparison, especially the turd known as nu-metal.
'Operation: Mindcrime' is a concept album by Queensryche, and my favourite one by the band.
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