2 definitions by devilman9050

Someone that continually gives out bad information, forgets the lies that they've told 5 minutes earlier and makes up more lies to cover their previous lies. This person will have difficulty in answering a straight question and if they do ever give a straight answer will promptly forget what they've committed to. This originated from a 2016/2017 Kickstarter campaign for a game delivered over a year late. The backers were continually lied to and given the wrong information.
That pizza place are a bunch of Railraiders, they said my order was on the way and would arrive in 5 minutes, then rang me 10 minutes later to say they had run out of cheese and hadn't even made my pizza yet!
by devilman9050 November 9, 2017
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When you don't have time to give someone feedback and have a snack - you have 'feednack'

Alternative explanation - you hit n instead of b when typing feedback and need a good excuse not to look stupid....
I didn't have time for lunch so me and John had a feednack session
by devilman9050 April 23, 2010
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