3 definitions by definitelynotfedoking

a guy with a youtube channel that makes video every other week. maybe.
also created a video series called scp domenic

and created a wikipedia page for himself and got rejected
guy 1 : do you know fedoking
wikipedia worker : yea
by definitelynotfedoking December 24, 2019
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is a epic video makeing guy
guy1: do you know fedoking
guy2: no but he sounds like a epic video makeing guy
by definitelynotfedoking December 23, 2019
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is a 200kg fat guy that likes loli, hentai, furrys and pommes (chips)

If scp domenic doesnt eat 2000 kg of pommes every hour then he will enter a rage state in which he is an aggressive animal that will kill anyone in his way.
scp scientist: did you feed scpdomenic today
scp guard guy: uh oh
by definitelynotfedoking December 24, 2019
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