2 definitions by deathbyfr00b

Poonscape is the "1337" way of saying runescape and is often used by H4X0rs. It is often used on websites such as rscheatnet (alas no more) and rei-net. Often involved with the word pwned!
Did you know that the amazingly "1337" word "pwned" was created by a blizzard (the company that made warcraft III) employee. He was designing a message that would come up when you die that said "ha ha ha owned" but he made a typo and it ended up as "ha ha ha pwned!" and since that fateful day the name has stuck.

Thx do XmercherX for story
by deathbyfr00b November 18, 2004
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when geeks try to call other geeks noob but their life support turns off and their finger gets stuck on the o key momentarily, I should know, ive had first hand experience ROFLMFAO geeks rule
omfg u noooooooooooooooooooooob
by deathbyfr00b November 16, 2004
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