1 definition by dawgfan91


A self-professed Fan of a sports team who seems to actually Hate that same team. Fan + Hater = FATER. This person is most likely employing a defense mechanism against the sting of defeat by being so down on everything the team does. The largest collection of Faters can be found on message boards devoted to their favorite team. After big wins, Faters cite overwhelming evidence that it was pure luck. After tough losses, Faters crucify the players and coaches. Invariably, Faters hate the team's star player the most.
Fan: Hey man, big win for the team last night!
Fater: Yeah, they got lucky.

Fan: We won by 30 points.
Fater: Yeah but it should have been 40. "Star player" is awful and he shoots too much.
Fan: He shot 60% and scored 35 points.
Fater: Yeah, but did you see how long his shorts were though? We are never going to win a championship with shorts like that. We probably won't win another game all year.
by dawgfan91 December 13, 2010
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