1 definition by da dogs outta the bag

Often a redhead, shy, short, has a big ass and is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!!!!! Sometimes "gay" but mainly straight. She's fun to be around and love's to laugh a lot. She always listens to music (like fucking 24/7) and she can always keep a relationship long and lasting. She's strong and is helpful but don't get on her bad side (it's dangerous sometimes fatal Lol not really) she needs to be told she's loved by her partner and or friends. She's an AMAZING kisser :)
Boy: I wish I could have Juliet

Other boy: nahh bruh..she's wayyy outta our leagues

Boy: fuck you universe!! Why does she have to be so gorgeous!!!
by da dogs outta the bag February 14, 2014
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