1 definition by cyberbuddha

The first attribute of skinny love and the first step towards its actualization is the lack of nourishment. In a song titled
Skinny Love


as first released by Bon Iver (originally Justin Vernon) in 2007, the term was used to describe a relationship between two lovers. According to Justin Vernon
, “You're in a relationship because you need help, but that's not n
ecessarily why you should be in a relationship. And that's skinny. It doesn't have weight. Skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished

(Currin, 2011). As for the recent revival of singer Birdy, she interprets the song like it is about a break-
up from a love that didn‟t exist and so was
never true but needed to move on (Hub, 2013). While relationships were meant to establish the connection between two persons, it does not necessarily imply that all relationships work as it sometimes tend to fail due to lack of nourishment. Skinny love is unnourished because it feeds on anything but healthy

be it lies, deceits, pretentions or hatred. The lack of nourishment impedes the growth of what once sustained it, love.
They are so co-dependent on one another, they have a skinny love.
by cyberbuddha April 13, 2015
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