1 definition by cyanidexoxox

The act of pacing back and forth redundantly, repeating an action incessantly while flailing ones hands and arms, feet and legs with an exaggerated flamboyance. The act of scuttling occurs particularly when one is over-stimulated, sleep deprived and hyper and cannot sit still or focus on one activity for any extended period of time. When one scuttles, one is often fixated on accomplishing a meaningless task devoid of purpose but is distracted from the task at hand, so one scuttles back and forth furiously until one remembers the task at hand. Often occurs when one is scattered. Scuttling is common in confused, homosexual men who rely on their mothers guidance excessively and cannot function without their mothers helping hand. When the males mother is absent, the male becomes misguided and confused and resorts to scuttling to relieve his separation anxiety.
Every 32 days Scrolly's amphetamine prescription is renewed, so he stays up for days on end and scuttles back and forth between playing solitaire on the computer and reading his book on the lounge until his mother Katrina returns home to soothe him into slumber.
by cyanidexoxox October 22, 2013
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