18 definitions by ctrlU

v. to edit a finished Tweet or SMS text message with the goal of reducing the content to 140 characters or less.

cont.: "text" and "whittle".
1. Conversational:

Bill: Are you still sending that text message? What's taking so long?
Sam: I have to t'whittle it.

2. The message:

Good Morning! I saw you last night but didn't get a chance to say "Hi!" I hope your trip was successful and that you'll be joining us this Saturday at Phil and Jenny's place after the kids finish their rehearsal.

is t'whittled to become:

G'morning! Saw you last night from afar, hope your trip was good. We're @ Phil and Jenny's this Sat. after rehearsal, you?
by ctrlU November 11, 2011
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abbrev.: "Ready To Drop Two"

meaning: pregnant and carrying twins
Bill: Hey have you seen Kate lately? She's HUGE!
Rob: I know man, she's R2D2.
by ctrlU June 4, 2012
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n. A unit of evil or unhealthiness against which all other things are measured.
1. Twice the calories than a big mac
2. Half the fat than a big mac
3. One eighth the sodium than a big mac
4. More racist than a big mac
5. Ten times more radiation than a big mac
6. More unprotected sex than a big mac
7. More greedy than a big mac
8. 18 more mpg than a big mac
9. Bigger boobs than a big mac
10. half as ugly as a big mac
11. More deadly than two big macs
12. Smells like a steaming heap of big macs

by ctrlU April 15, 2011
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The colourful festive debris of wrapping paper scraps, bows, ribbon, and packaging that covers a room after the presents have all been opened.
It looks like a Christmas Bomb went off in here!
by ctrlU December 25, 2010
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