1 definition by crooner

One of the oldest and easily one of the most storied teams in baseball history. Their 2004 WS victory not-withstanding, the Red Sox ultimately indelibly endear themselves in every New Englander’s heart by breaking it year after year.

Red Sox: the only team in baseball capable of simultaneously being in first place and mathematically eliminated from the pennant.
The Red Sox 2004 championship, while a thrill among thrills, will soon be forgotten, but no one will ever forget the heart-ache of the 1978 playoff game, or the agony of the ’86 Buckner fiasco, or the one night of timeless glory as Pudge Fisk launched a ball into the foul pole and straight through to eternity, winning game Six of the 1975 WS. The greatest single game of the greatest single World Series.
Which they, of course, lost in game seven.
Let the Yankees have their trophies. The Red Sox achieve immortality in loss.
by crooner January 31, 2007
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