2 definitions by cronnie__________

go cry about it, go dump it out, find a tissue somewhere else, cry baby, where’s your mum, do i care, poor you, dgaf, cry me a river, ur tears aren’t mine so cry over there so i can be fine, suck it up butter cup.
“He was too nice for me, I ended it” (crying)

“Meltsk” dead straight face and all

any meltsk/melt/melts response can be used
by cronnie__________ September 7, 2021
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cross between donkey off shrek and tigger off winnie the pooh

aka zeke
an absolute numbnut ranga who has autism, short term memory loss, looks like a nut and is prepubescent evident in voice cracks and lack of hair. could say he reminds you of a homosexual. seems like a gay human, he's kinda decent once you can understand he's language. bag him out of love. very sensitive tho. make sure you have bandaids at the ready.
person 1: retard¿ autism¿ spastic¿ homo¿

person 2: all possible but nah he's just a Zeke
a dongger
by cronnie__________ April 2, 2020
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