3 definitions by couch

An MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) that involves combatting demons on the side of good. There are seven character archetypes (in the expansion set), and it is best played on Battle.Net.
Dark_Luster: hey amarix look at what i got
Amarix_Detinar: son of a b*tc*! where u get that
Dark_Luster: hold on lemme xfer this
Dark_Luster: dont take
by couch December 12, 2003
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object of avoidence, namely some creepy gross person who likes you
stephan is the new oa..hes totally following sarah everywhere
by couch March 2, 2005
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a type of candy that fizzes in yo mouth..originally from canada or some other nowhere place, this definition is no well know
they jacked some zots from the ontario grocery store
by couch March 2, 2005
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