14 definitions by cliff whitty

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a Klingon coffee blend enjoyed by many of the main characters. Recipes include:

"Klah Version" (Makes approximately 14 servings)

2 Tbs. Sweet Ground Chocolate
1/2 cup Dark Cocoa
3/8 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Dark Instant Coffee Crystals Ground into powder
Pinch of Nutmeg

Mix all ingredients together, and store in airtight container.
To serve, use 3 teaspoons to 3/4 cup not-quite-boiling water. When served, the drink should be thick, much like hot cocoa

"House of Kasara blend" (Makes approximately 14 servings)

1 1/2 cup Powdered Non-Dairy Creamer
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Unsweetened Cocoa
6 Tbs. Instant Coffee
1/2 tsp. Ground Allspice
1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon

Note: "Lightweights" may prefer a mix made with 3 tablespoons of instant coffee.

Mix all ingredients together, and store in airtight container.
To serve, use 3 teaspoons to 3/4 cup not-quite-boiling water. When served, the drink should be thick, much like hot cocoa.
Sisko: "Computer one raktajino and a bagel"
Computer: Buzz buzz twinkle dinkle bingbang.
Sisko: "Aaaah. excellent."
by cliff whitty June 21, 2006
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a. Someone who anthropomorphizes animals and endows with with human rights.
b. Someone who is self righteous
c. Someone who looks terribly emmaciated, most likely because of malnutrition, but also because of stressing out about animals being eaten and from protesting against carnivorism. These protests are typically caused by the psychological need for attention and/or as a form of rebellion against society.
a. "That cow has the same rights as you or me...."
b. "Um....did you know that the chicken in that sandwich you're eating was stuffed in a cramped cage and not allowed to move? You need to become vegan, or at least vegetarian"
c. "PETA!!!!! ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO!....hang on I have to sit down for a second I think my leg snapped"
by cliff whitty August 1, 2006
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A school which believes that the students should cater to the needs of the university, as opposed to the univeristy catering to the needs of the students.
I payed the University of Florida 15,000 dollars this semester and they made me move my car so the fucking alumni could tailgate in my spot.
by cliff whitty September 2, 2006
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One of these applies to you:
1. You are an atheist looking to further your atheism (and you are offended by theism), thus you looked up atheism.
2. You are a theist, therefore you looking to further your theism (and you are offended by atheism), thus you looked up atheism
John is an atheist therefor he wants to learn more about it.
Jack is a theist therefor he wants to learn more about atheism.

Moral of story...learn stuff.
by cliff whitty August 21, 2006
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A really awesome classics resource, the only problem is it's never running right.
Professor: Cliff, why haven't you been to class for the past month?
Cliff: Sorry, Perseus hasn't been running straight, how do I get my translations?
Professor: Fair enough.
by cliff whitty April 16, 2007
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A main character in a piece of performing art. Examples include: In opera, any singer with a primary part; in ballet, a soloist or pair of soloists.
They are usually overpaid when compared to the exceeding amount of work put in by the chorus of an opera. Sure theyve got talent since they are singing in a freaking opera by themselves, but that is their job. Chorus members usually have other jobs outside of the opera.
There is also undue credit in many circumstances. A member of a chorus was once selected for a principle part. Suddenly she thought she was hot shit because she said 2 lines of libretto alone. She got a photo in the Playbill and a short bio. The rest of the choristers got their name in once and 100 dollar check at the end of the show.
"Hmm. Your B flat was a little TOO flat Id say, you should practice more."
"You know what Gloria, Ive waited a month to tell you this, but your shit doesnt stink any less than mine. You couldnt hit a B flat even if you were lipsynching you turkey-necked fatball. You need to be a fucking team player because the rest of the chorus applauds for all the principles at curtain call, even you. BITCH"
"Yea Im still working on that"
by cliff whitty June 18, 2006
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