23 definitions by chris firth

time spent on-line on the www, or on a computer game or computer activity; time experienced subjectively while on line that feels short, but has been much longer in real time
1. in e-time it seemed like I'd been online for 5 minutes, when in real time six hours had passed

2. I spent 2 hours e-time in this beautiful electraglade I stumbled upon.
by chris firth August 14, 2006
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1. somebody who has achieved promotion quickly at work, only for it to be obvious that they cannot live up to the job, and hence experience a humiliating demotion
2. a star -rock\pop etc - who is talked about a lot in the press as though they are the next big thing, but then never deliver the goods.
After the planet - which is no longer a planet!
1. hear about Smithson - last weeks new MD? Got fired, the asshole. He's a real pluto.

2. Pete Doherty is just a total pluto
by chris firth August 24, 2006
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