2 definitions by choke on air

Phuongie also known as Phuong is a fat fuck that has horrible taste in 13 years old boys. She has to buy her way into having friends and has fat rolls even when she is standing up. She spends her free time masterbating with other fat teens to the point where she would pay to give a blow job as she does for everything else she wants. She is THE dumbest girl you will ever meet, if you tell her to bust through the door she will drop down and attempt to twerk like thotiana. She has scalp cancer and herpes from dry humping her second hand BTS sex doll she got from cell mate in the mental asylum.Her ass cheeks looks like she sat in a triangle mold for the equivalent time she spends admiring her classmate's skinny abs.
ew thats Phuongie
by choke on air March 20, 2019
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Emily is one crazy bitch...when you get to know her bony ass. She is elongated in all areas except for her microscopic penis. She tends to "hide" her emotions towards her crush which her friend dated. She is only friends with that girl to continually ask questions about the size of his dick so she can buy a corndog in a similar size. She has stretch marks on the inside of her mouth from various activities.
Omg I can her screaming "stop fucking calling me Eshmily!" from here.
by choke on air March 20, 2019
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