1 definition by cheremiah

A man in his mid-late 40's who spends most of his spare time at the beach. Often seen wearing an army cap, aviators and short swimming shorts.

Usually in pretty good physical condition, he is fully aware of this and likes to show it off. The Master Chief will do this by spending the majority of the day standing up with his arms folded, casually observing everything that goes on around him as if he's the master of all he surveys.

It is for this reason that some have also come to describe the Master Chief as the Master of the Beach.

The Master Chief may or may not be married. In cases where Master Chief is married, his wife will often sit on the beach for the majority of the day with the couples offspring and not communicate with her husband unless he speaks to her first.

In cases where Master Chief is not married he will move from spot to spot on the beach and quietly observe. It is this behaviour which highlights the difference between the un-married Master Chief and the Archetypal Old Mate, as the Old Mate will move from spot to spot on the beach and actively seek to engage others in (often unwanted) communication.

The first Master Chiefs were originally found in France in the latter part of the 20th Century but since then have spread to every continent in the world.
Master Chief casually observed the antics of the other sun lovers on the beach in a calm and calculcated manner
by cheremiah September 5, 2010
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