3 definitions by certifiedloverboy

It is someone who is cool . The coolest person on Earth .
by certifiedloverboy March 29, 2021
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To be insanely awesome at everything and for everyone, have a big ego for it, and be physically or verbally slick (basically, to be a boss man)
by certifiedloverboy March 29, 2021
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she is extremely beautiful with a rich skin tone that catches the eye of many. She is usually the most beautiful in her circle. very noble, classy and bubbly. She has a genuine spirit and can be sensitive. she is very mature for her age and gets many haters. many people love her for her sweet spirit yet unwavering values and morals. Serwaah is full of wisdom and is very extraordinary. She attracts all sorts of people because of her beauty. She is usually funny and people love being around her.
serwaah is literally the most beautiful and classy girl ever ! i want to be friends with her.
by certifiedloverboy November 22, 2021
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