1 definition by catrackthisandthat

A sociological experiment in theater and social activism fueled in part by total debauchery .

Developed in the 60's and continuing to date in the blink of a Vermont town of Glover, where logs and maple syrup are produced . Used to take over with thousands of live human and puppet heads parading from the centre of Glover town up down to the theater stopping significant traffic of the local working class loggers, farmers, barn builders, etc. This thriving but yet somewhat polarized financial economy is enhanced by sky rocketing sales in booze, food, camping gear, and diapers and perhaps the black market as well. That was then and still tourists as well as interns come to this day. However, the theater delivers a view of the political spectrum as it is to date, as well as kiln made bread with home-grown rye and farm fresh vegetables raised behind the theater barn by local young and old timers and foreigners as well.
A: Hey, what rhymes with Bread and Puppet?
B: Spread and Fuck et
by catrackthisandthat March 20, 2018
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