1 definition by cardamom grapefruit

(noun) A nickname given to white briefs underwear for boys and men. Tighty whities are very comfortable, especially when worn by active people. Although tighty whities are comfortable and popular with some people, they are viewed as a nerdy, childish, or dorky underwear choice. Since tighty whities are often the first underwear boys wear after diapers they can be seen as childish choice when worn by older males especially if they are in middle school or high school. Due to their shape a pair of baggy tighty whities bears a feint resemblance to diapers.

If wearing this underwear while changing for P.E one can expect teasing from classmates in a variety of ways: jokes being made about how they look like diapers, pantsings, and the dreaded wedgie.

As someone who has worn tighty whities their entire I have experienced a number of wedgies and have been pantsed countless times. I wore them everyday in high school and received a wedgie almost daily from the ‘cooler’ kids.

Although tighty whities have a bad reputation for being wedgie magnets they are by far the most comfortable underwear and should be worn by everyone.
I was changing for gym class and my classmates saw my white Hanes briefs. they all yelled ‘look at the nerd in tighty whities!! let’s get him’. I was quickly surrounded and received wedgies from everyone. after a bit of this they hung me by my tighty whities on a coat hook and took my clothes. I waited there until a janitor let me down because my tighty whities were too sturdy to rip.
by cardamom grapefruit February 17, 2022
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