3 definitions by buddy sam

The sweetest person every to be alive
she’s like a coool person
by buddy sam October 19, 2023
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The sweetest person there is. Shes so beautiful and perfect even though she says she’s not. She’s outgoing, has alot of friends, and is very funny. She will always talk to you and be there, and people who really care about her will be there for her. She is the only one in the world!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Alyvia is my best friend and a dance star.
by buddy sam October 19, 2023
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A person who is the SEXIEST GIRL ALIVE. Name usually stars with an A and are very pretty and A STAR AT DANCE!!! They tell their boys hey I love talking to you then they rarely text back. I mean come on he puts in some of his time and energy into talking to you why can’t you spend time to make him happy?

And then you wonder why he doesn’t talk to you and blame him for drifting away when it was really you!!! Oh my dance star
by buddy sam November 29, 2023
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