1 definition by brownnzxoxox

Brad's are very amazing guys with sandy blond hair, big green eyes and juju lips. They usually have deep sexy voices. At first you might not think a brad is anything special but when you look at him more closely you realise he is a total total babe! This is because brad's don't know they're hot and they aren't dicks like all the other hot guys. They are really really lovely and will always take care of you. They are tall and handsome and a little bit mysterious. They have great bodies and are really fit. Brads are really really good basketball players, usually the best in their team. They also have many other talents including amazing drumming skills, guitar skills, accent skills and dance moves. If you ever meet a brad you must treat him like he is the coolest person you've ever met because he will be the coolest person you've ever met. He might even be an angel.
"OMG is that a Brad!?"

"Yes i think it is!"
"Wow he's hot, i would love to get to know him..."

"Hi i'm Brad"
"Omg your'e the coolest person i've ever met"
"Am I really? Thanks!"
by brownnzxoxox September 24, 2012
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