1 definition by briedog

(V., Adj., Noun)
Cheap Greasy, or CG as most people have come to call this "style" can be achieved with very little effort. This "style" can best be described as, well, cheap and greasy. The newly founded term "CG" can apply to a certain hair style, article(s) of clothing, shoes, accessories, belts or even jewelry-in other words, the possibilities are virtually endless.
Articles of clothing with lame sayings, most commonly found at department stores such as Khols, JC Penny, Sears, K-Mart, Hot Topic, ect...would be "CG". Common "CG" "brand names", if you will, are Angels, Candie's, Energie, GLO, l.e.i., SO, Mudd, and Unionbay, just to name a few.
BUYER BEWARE:DON'T BE DECEIVED, Belts that come free with jeans at stores like these are free for a reason, they are "CG" and will most likely give you a rash.
ie. Graphic Tee's with the words "Princess", "Hottie", "Angel", or "Lil' Devil" are just a few examples of a "CG" shirt. Belts that come free with jeans at stores like these are free for a reason, they are "CG".
"Jean on Jean" is one way to pull off the much desired "CG" look with very little effort. And if the jeans, and/or the jacket is/are embroidered, even better.
In order for something to be concdered "CG', it must posess or be consisted of one, or more of the following:
Sparkles, rhinestones, studs, cartoon characters, cheap fabric, poor fitting,...
by briedog May 30, 2007
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