3 definitions by boring squirrel

The language that eliminates the usage of clicking and dragging to manipulate data. Unlike Excel without Macros, re-orders multiple columns simultaneously. Handles some back-end web-applications. Saves time and labor. Oddly, it's not taught in all colleges. Not all statistics/data science professors know SQL. Great for summarizing your finances or creating tables.
I SQL'd this job and eliminated the need to hire an bunch of high-schoolers to click and drag.
by boring squirrel December 9, 2022
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the class should be year-round because rich kids do it year-round anyways while poor kids play videogames all day during the summer
physical education is ironically optional during the summer.
by boring squirrel December 12, 2022
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someone who should not take summer vacations and open up a summer athletic camp instead
she/he's a gym teacher and a bully
by boring squirrel December 12, 2022
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