2 definitions by bobbydazzler raz raz metazzler

The air that comes from a speaker that you can feel on your face if you put your head close.
nugget - blast them tunes man lets get the hardcore bumping

hershey - no no turn it down man theres too much pampo ...
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The small pieces of weed that one finds possibly down the back of the couch, or scattered around the carpet at a pertinant rolling spot that keep an avid potsmoker going until the next avaliable oppertunity to score some serious buda.
angelo - "oh my frickin god man theres nee weed left in the tin, what the f*ck"???

hannelore - dont worry mate ill ratch the quonk from around the table that will keep us goin until lance gets home with the henry.

angelo - fricken awesome.
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