2 definitions by blubunny

when your hair dries a certain way then you change the part and it hurts SO BAD!
by blubunny October 28, 2007
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An very promiscuous individual. Has slept, and continues to sleep, with an insane number of people in a short amount of time. Can present themselves as either hot or gross/trashy.

Usually this semi-derogatory term is directed towards females but is often used to refer to men as well (many players fit in this category). I personally don't gender discriminate when using this term.

I think of male and female sluts to be no different from each other except for gender.
A couple descriptions of "slut":

Roxy's probably slept with about a hundred people in the past year. She's really racking 'em up!

That player's probably slept with about a hundred people in the past year. He's just a hot piece of ass in my book.
by blubunny November 12, 2007
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